Improve service, Build Capacity,
& Share Knowledge

A resource for practitioners working in homelessness fields funded under Specialist Homelessness Services(SHS) in the North East Region of Victoria.

How can we help

Do you require assistance?

Call us between 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
(calls outside of these hours and weekends are diverted to the St Kilda Crisis Centre).

Alternatively, you can contact the Homelessness Entry Points

If you are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness in the Ovens Murray or Goulburn region, please call:

Feeling unsafe?

Who we are

Ovens Murray and Goulburn Homeless Network

The Oven Murray and Goulburn  Local Area Service Network (OMGLASN) is a resource to the homelessness sector operating in the North East of Victoria.

Young lady smiling holding her skateboard leaning against a wall
Featured Articles

News & events

Housing prices and rents in Australia 1980-2023: facts, explanations and outcomes

November 10, 2023

Triple H: Humanity Helping Homelessness event

November 10, 2023

Victoria’s Top 20: areas with surging homelessness - analysis report

November 10, 2023
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