
Victoria’s Top 20: areas with surging homelessness - analysis report

November 10, 2023

While Victoria reports a 24 per cent increase in homelessness, growth was acute in some areas, with reported homelessness more than doubling. Almost three in four areas (Victorian electorates) experienced increases in homelessness, while for one in two areas the increase was over 20 per cent.

The Census Count of Homelessness is based on data collected in 2021, amid a lockdown in Victoria to manage the COVID-19 pandemic and implementation of further improved methods for collecting data. Increases are in part driven by the most accurate Census count yet because of the improvements in data collection, and so growth cannot be fully attributed to the last five-years. Nevertheless, the data reveals the true state of homelessness in Victoria and the previously ‘hidden’ population of people without a home.

The Council to Homeless Persons is calling on all levels of government to:

  • Invest in and facilitate growth of social and affordable housing, including use of inclusionary zoning to facilitate growth in social housing across the Victoria.
  • Invest in evidence-informed support models and a skilled workforce to deliver outcomes that end homelessness, reduce pressure on other community services and allow people to thrive, benefiting community and the Victorian economy. This includes growing investment in Housing First-based models and targeted youth initiatives to address the unique barriers they face due to age and low income.

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